Wednesday, May 6, 2015

My YouTube Playlist about Classroom Management

I have added a YouTube playlist called Classroom Management focusing on the high school level. I have included three videos that I believe have really good information. One area that I do not think I am prepared for is managing the classroom. These videos have given me some incite on what I can do to gain respect and have a well behaved group of students.

A few pieces of advice I have picked up from this playlist are that I should not focus on classroom management and I should set high expectations at the beginning. Instead of focusing on the management and discipline part of teaching, I should be focusing on making the classroom environment a safe one that is made for learning purposes. I also should make sure my students know what is expected of them, and I should be fair with the consequences. If students know what will happen if they do not meet the expectations, and I follow through every time, the students will feel safe.

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